Film Noir Pop Collection

From the ages of 10-15 I sold over 300 paintings in the abstract expressionist genre, One of which was recently accepted into the Westport Municipal Permanent Art Collection. This collection consists of donated work by local and international artists including Picasso, Matisse, Calder, Motherwell, and others.

Member of the Westport Art Center and the Collective, Ridgefield Guild of Artists, Carriage Barn Arts Center, among others. My recent work has been show in many Connecticut venues and for a group solo show at the Kirchner Gallery in Fairfield, CT in March of 2016.

Each work is different from the others in in the way it elicits a response from the viewer. Consciously and subconsciously the symbols depicted will touch each viewer differently.

The total scope of the work is in many genres including surreal, abstract expressionism, natural and others in digital and traditional medias. I like to create art that engages the mind and the eye. Thought provoking. Visually appealing and sometimes with a mystical nuance.

Sizes range from 12.5 x 16.5 inches to 6 x 4 feet. Prices range from $250 to $850 dependingt on the size.

Contact 203-664-1086 est Redding, CT